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8336 Traford Lane
West Springfield, VA, 22152
United States


Infrared Sauna and Functional Nutrition Services

Educate Blog


Fiona Duncan


'Make sure to have a banana or orange juice to replace your calcium.' A very familiar counseling point with diuretic medication for high blood pressure.  About 50% of all adults take at least one medication for chronic condition, yet sad to say, the long term effect of nutrient depletion never truly crossed my mind in over 20 years of pharmacy practice.  

I do not recommend you stop taking your medication because that too can have devastating effects. Some medications are extremely necessary and require. My goal is to educate and empower you to make responsible decision with regard to the care and keeping of you.

DND is so extensively researched and reported that writing another blog about it seems like reinventing the wheel, so instead I will provide you with one or two quick reference.

Drug Muggers was on of the first book I looked at that addressed Drug Nutrient Depletion (DND). It was too long.  Supplement Your Prescription by Hyla Cass, M.D. as an easier read.

Pop by. Take a look at quick charts. Browse through or books.  Schedule a 15 minute complementary nutrient depletion medication review. .