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Infrared Sauna and Functional Nutrition Services

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What is FDN and how does FDN work?

Fiona Duncan


What is FDN?

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN) is a type of detective work that seeks to identify and correct the underlying causes and conditions that lead to your clients’ health complaints. FDN health detectives do NOT diagnose or treat any disease,  nor do we practice medicine. Everything we do is science and evidence based.

We use carefully chosen functional lab work and a complete client health and lifestyle history to investigate underlying malfunctions of the adrenal glands, mucosal barrier, detoxification systems, metabolic processes, absorption and assimilation, immune and defense mechanisms and steroid hormone balance to name a few.  When data from these labs are correctly interpreted along with other clues, the healing opportunities are revealed.

FDN protocols are natural. We know that the body wants to return to homeostasis (good health). FDN protocols jump start the body’s ability to return to health and stay there.

How FDN Works

The FDN view of symptoms like joint pain, muscle pain, skin issues, digestive upset and every other health complaint, is that they all have causal factors that need to be investigated. Even in tough cases, FDN protocols can repair & restore organs & systems that are struggling.

Masking symptoms with medication allows underlying conditions to get worse.  Relieving symptoms is important, but your likely going to need additional therapy or stronger medications. 

Educating clients how to get well and stay well is our top task. That means teaching them not to ignore symptoms, but to realize that symptoms are signals from the body that something is wrong. There’s no such thing as a normal headache. All symptoms are clues about what’s really going on internally. Symptoms and lab tests paint a picture about your client’s biology. FDN practitioners are trained to use these clues to hone in on clients’ hidden stressors and develop a customized protocol that will help them leave their symptoms behind and live a naturally healthy life.