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8336 Traford Lane
West Springfield, VA, 22152
United States


Infrared Sauna and Functional Nutrition Services

GI-Map  DNA Stool Analysis


GI-Map DNA Stool Analysis

Fiona Duncan

Did you know that over 70% percent of your body’s immune system resides in your gut?

Gut health impacts your overall health!

GI Testing is essential, even in patients without digestive complaints. Whether your goal is to get healthy or to lose weight, this is the place to start! Fix your GUT. Fix your HEALTH.

Watch the Pillars of GI Health 7-minute Video here

What is GI-Map?

GI-MAP stands for Gastrointestinal (GI) Microbial Assay Plus. It is a comprehensive stool test that assesses gut and immune health by analyzing stool DNA. The test utilizes cutting edge, Quantitative PCR technology to provide a true DNA/PCR based stool test. This technology has high sensitivity, specificity and a rapid turnaround. 

GI-MAP tests for fungi, bacteria, virus and parasites in your stool that may cause gastrointestinal discomforts along with autoimmune and Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) markers. It also assesses digestive, inflammatory and immunologic markers for GI health and function including SIgA, Elastase, Calprotectin and Anti-gliadin (gluten) testing. Added Zonulin marker gives an indication of leaky gut.

Why perform DNA Stool Analysis?

The Gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) works in the immune system to protect the body from invasion in the gut - the SIgA marker. The GI tract is also home to an entire ecosystem of microorganisms that are responsible for many important functions such as vitamin synthesis, hormone production, immune system regulation, and communication within neurological systems of the body. 

With the test, practitioners are able to assess microbiome and metabolic imbalances accurately, helping patients find solutions to diseases such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn's disease and autoimmune diseases such as arthritis and fibromyalgia. 

Who Would Benefit From GI-MAP Testing?

Almost every patient can benefit from a GI-MAP gut health assessment. Some patients are looking to achieve optimal health, while other patients have been chronically ill and frustrated without a diagnosis for years.

Some conditions include:

  • GERD - Suspected H. pylori Infection

  • Autoimmune diseases

  • IBS-Irritable Bowel Syndrome/IBD-Inflammatory Bowel Disease

  • Digestive complaints, diarrhea or constipation

  • Brain fog

  • Skin problems, like acne and psoriasis

  • Mood disorders, depression, and anxiety

  • Diabetes and weight loss issues

  • SIBO

  • Fungal or Yeast Infections

  • Intestinal Permeability

The GI-MAP's accuracy and reliability allows practitioners to create personalized treatment protocols to address gut dysfunction based on which infections are urgent, which areas of the gut are already optimized, and which areas should be addressed after an infection is resolved.

Why Test Here?

We care about your overall wellbeing and take a very comprehensive approach to revitalizing your health. Although the gut is the place to start, addressing STRESS and lifestyle factors such as Nutrition, Sleep and Exercise all play vital role in achieving optimized and lasting wellness.

Are you ready to start your health journey?

Give us a call with any questions you may have or if you are interested in working together 703.569.1212