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8336 Traford Lane
West Springfield, VA, 22152
United States


Infrared Sauna and Functional Nutrition Services

Educate Blog


Fiona Duncan


We would all love to know what the secret formula is to stay healthy, less fat and less old.  

Challenge is almost every health book worth it's pages, has too many pages.  Would a plumber suffering with chronic heart burn or a mother of three under 5, with chronic fatigue syndrome have the time to invest to not just learn a new healthcare profession and make even some of the recipes in the back of the book?

I've read 90% of all displayed in our spa and even though they all have very specific and specialized areas of expertise they all seem to sum up to the following:-

Lifestyle. Lifestyle. Lifestyle.

Stress from everyday life--over-scheduled, traffic, work.

Stress from poor nutrition--fast or slow food lacking nutrients

Stress from lack of adequate or restful sleep

Stress from too little or too much exercise

Over 75% of all doctors visit is due to stress.  Stress is the cause of most chronic illness, malfunctioning of systems in your body.

Learn ways to better handle everyday unavoidable stress.  Take up meditation or yoga.

Eat nutritious functional foods that keep your gut healthy; organic and whole.

Get enough sleep. 

Find the right balance or type of exercise.

Kick start your health equity building with a sauna session!  You are sure to experience stress reduction, detoxification, a seated cardiovascular workout and even improved sleep. 

What is FDN and how does FDN work?

Fiona Duncan


What is FDN?

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN) is a type of detective work that seeks to identify and correct the underlying causes and conditions that lead to your clients’ health complaints. FDN health detectives do NOT diagnose or treat any disease,  nor do we practice medicine. Everything we do is science and evidence based.

We use carefully chosen functional lab work and a complete client health and lifestyle history to investigate underlying malfunctions of the adrenal glands, mucosal barrier, detoxification systems, metabolic processes, absorption and assimilation, immune and defense mechanisms and steroid hormone balance to name a few.  When data from these labs are correctly interpreted along with other clues, the healing opportunities are revealed.

FDN protocols are natural. We know that the body wants to return to homeostasis (good health). FDN protocols jump start the body’s ability to return to health and stay there.

How FDN Works

The FDN view of symptoms like joint pain, muscle pain, skin issues, digestive upset and every other health complaint, is that they all have causal factors that need to be investigated. Even in tough cases, FDN protocols can repair & restore organs & systems that are struggling.

Masking symptoms with medication allows underlying conditions to get worse.  Relieving symptoms is important, but your likely going to need additional therapy or stronger medications. 

Educating clients how to get well and stay well is our top task. That means teaching them not to ignore symptoms, but to realize that symptoms are signals from the body that something is wrong. There’s no such thing as a normal headache. All symptoms are clues about what’s really going on internally. Symptoms and lab tests paint a picture about your client’s biology. FDN practitioners are trained to use these clues to hone in on clients’ hidden stressors and develop a customized protocol that will help them leave their symptoms behind and live a naturally healthy life. 



Fiona Duncan



Light Therapy Light Therapy has been valued throughout history as a remarkable source of healing. Today, the therapeutic applications of light and color are being investigated in major hospitals and research centers worldwide. Results indicate that full-spectrum, ultraviolet, colored, and laser light can have therapeutic value for a range of conditions from chronic pain and depression to immune disorders

Medical Benefits:

Light Therapy has been reported to reduce swelling, relieve pain, decrease inflammation, decreased muscle tension and improved circulation. It is very effective in relieving Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) by resetting their internal biological clock, improving sleep and regulating mood. The rejuvenating LED light therapy can be used for pain management such as joint and back pain, torn muscles, sprains, arthritis and more. When used with infrared technology, light therapy (phototherapy) is one of the most effective and noninvasive ways to repair the body.

Cosmetic Benefits: 

Light therapy is also a growing treatment for anti-aging. Many individuals have seen a reduction in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, crow’s feet, and age spots.  Light therapy is “effective at improving the appearance of the face, neck and chest by reducing the signs of aging, wrinkles and age spots”, says Web M.D. Combined with infrared therapy, LED phototherapy can be a great way to revitalize skin. Light therapy energizes skin cells, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, giving skin back it’s youthful look.

Red: “The Great Energizer.” It loosens, releases stiffness and constrictions. It promotes cellular growth, stimulating the circulatory system. It is therefore indicated for all colds, sluggish or dormant conditions, such as pneumonia, arthritis, anemia, as a liver stimulant, an energy builder, and for increasing circulation. Red links with and stimulates the base of the spine, causing the adrenal glands to release adrenalin. 

Yellow: Helps awaken mental inspiration arousing higher mentality and is an excellent color for nervous or nerve-related conditions. Yellow has a very enriching effect upon the intellect. Yellow can be used for conditions of the stomach, liver, and intestines. It can help the pores of the skin by repairing scarred tissue. Awakening, inspiring and vitally stimulating the higher mind promoting self-control. Typical diseases treated by yellow are constipation, gas, liver troubles, diabetes, eczema and nervous exhaustion.

Green: The universal healing color containing both a physical and a spiritual nature, in equal balance and in equal harmony. Thus, green can be used for just about any condition in need of healing. When in doubt, green will always work. Help relax muscles, nerves, and thoughts. The color green cleanses and balances our energy, to give a feeling of renewal, peace and harmony. In a more practical sense, green affects blood pressure and all conditions of the heart. Having both an energizing effect, moderating, or soothing effect. 

Blue:  A very positive color, indicating loyalty and reliability and can be used for any type of ailments associated with speech, communication, or the throat. This is a mentally relaxing color. Blue has a pacifying effect on the nervous system encouraging great relaxation. It is ideal for sleep problems. Blue light connects us to holistic thought, and gives us wisdom and clarity enhancing communication and speech. 

Orange:  Often referred to as “The Wisdom Ray.” Has a freeing action upon the mind, relieving repression. Because orange is a blend of red and yellow, it combines physical energy with mental wisdom, inducing a transformation between lower physical reaction and higher mental response. Orange is warm, cheering, and non-constricting.  Orange is the best emotional stimulant, helping to remove inhibitions paving independent social behavior. Bring joy to your workday and strengthen your appetite for life. Orange aids in repairing inflammation of the kidneys, gallstones, menstrual cramps, epilepsy, wet cough and all sinus conditions.

Violet: This color is an excellent remedy for neurosis, diseases of the scalp, sciatica, tumors, rheumatism, cerebral spinal meningitis, concussion, cramps and epilepsy. Violet animates and cleans the venous blood. It is generally not used for physical conditions; however, some color experts believe that it does provide nourishment to the cells in the upper brain. Violet purifies our thoughts and feelings giving us inspiration in all undertakings. The violet energy connects us to our spiritual self bringing guidance, wisdom and inner strength, and enhances artistic talent and creativity.